Teapot 1L
Kettle 0,8 l
Kettle 0.5 l
100ml bowl
200ml bowl
Bowl with belt 200ml
Bowl 230ml
China bowl 200ml
Spit 130mm
Spit 150mm
600ml braid with belt
Spit 750ml
Spit "China" 750ml
Plate 130mm
Plate 150mm
Plate 175mm
Plate 200mm
Deep dish 175mm
200mm deep dish
Oval plate 200mm
Oval plate 230mm
Salad bowl
Dish 240mm
250mm dish
300mm dish
200ml cup
Teapot 0,8L
Teapot 0,5L
100ml plate
200ml plate
Plate with belt 200ml
Plate 230ml
China plate 200ml
Dish 500ml
Dish with belt 600ml
Dish 700ml
China dish 750ml
Plate 130ml
Plate 150ml
Plate 175ml
Plate 200ml
Soup plate 175mm
Deep plate 200mm
Dish 250mm
Dish 300mm
China bowl 4.5
Dish 750ml
Soup plate 200mm
No name
Dish "China" 750ml
Cup 200ml
1L teapot
Kettle 0,5 l
Bowl 4.5
Soup Plate 175mm
Soup Plate 200mm
Refractory brick